Welcome to BallySpring!
A fictional Irish map based in the West of Ireland with 255 fields, mainly grassland with some arable fields. There are 12 farm yards to choose from plus an additioanl Contractors yard at the BGA.
Highly customisable map with all buildings, walls, hedges, fences and yard clutter etc. removable.
Note: Once you start in either Farm Manager or Start from Scratch modes, you dont own any land so wont be able to interact with any of the objects etc. until you purchase some land.
Majority of gates on the map are opened by default. This is to allow access to the fields etc. to complete contracts. You can only open/close the gates that are on land that you own. This is a compromise so the gates can be sold.
The gates can only be sold when closed as they have no collision when opened.
The open animal pastures in the map have a placement marker to show the size when placing. After placement, this marker needs to be manually turned off by walking up to the sign and checking your help menu for the button that needs to be pressed.
The feed troughs can also be hidden by walking up to them and checking your help menu for the button that needs to be pressed. The trigger is between the food and water troughs in most of them and just to the side of the chicken feed trough.
– Custom Animals: Calves, Heifers, Bulls, Piglets, Boars, Lambs, Rams, Kids, Goats, Foals, Chicks, Ducklings and Ducks plus standard Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Horses and Chickens
– The Goats give you Goats Milk. To collect the Goats Milk from the pasture there is custom versions of the ingame Lizard MKS 8 & MKS 32 Liquid Tankers in the shop
– Note: You need to use a sheep pasture that supports Goats Milk in order for the Goats to produce Milk. All the built in pastures that come with the map support Goats Milk but be aware that most modded pens and the basegame pens will not have support for Goats Milk
– Custom Cattle Breeds: Hereford, Jersey, Charolais & Simmental plus basegame Holstein, Swiss, Angus & Limousin
– The cows on the map have Irish ear tags
– Cows can be fed with Silage (As well as the normal TMR etc.) and the Calves can be fed with Milk
– Custom TMR recipe which will allow you to use Wheat, Barley, Oats, Maize, Fieldbean, Potato, Sugarbeet, Sugarbeet Cut, Beetroot, Carrot & Parsnip alongside Mineral Feed
– Chickens & Ducks will give you manure provided the chicken pen you are using has been setup to support this. The chicken pens on the map support manure production
– The Cow and Pig Sheds on the map have manure spawn points adding the ability for the sheds to be mucked out manually into a manure heap
– Multi Terrain Angle
– Maize Plus mod supported
– Animal Grazing mod supported
– Enhanced Animal System mod supported
– Expandable Pastures mod supported
– Mud System mod supported
– Real GPS mod supported
– Manure System mod supported
– Emergency Pack mod supported
– Straw Harvest addon supported
– Premium DLC crops supported
– Multifruit: alfalfa, clover, hops, millet, mustard, onion, peas, rye, linseed & fieldbean
– Custom version of the basegame Grimme Evo 290 Potato harvester included to enable harvesting of onions. This can be purchased from the miscellaneous section of the shop.
– Fill Type and Height Type Limits increased
– Ability to get Straw from Canola
– Custom Grass textures
– FastFarming’s custom cut grass texture
– Weeds in Grassland Fields including Alfalfa & Clover on Multifruit versions
– Custom crop textures: BejiFS’s Maize textures, Hubxon750’s custom Potato textures & BulletBill’s custom Wheat, Barley, Oat and Canola (OSR) textures
– Forgotten Plants Bale Textures Pre-Installed
– Increased Yield from Grass and Straw swaths
– Custom Tarp, Manure and Stone textures
– JMZ’s custom Manure ground textures pre-installed.
– Perma’s Modding’s custom Rolling texture pre-installed.
– Custom Traffic. AlienJim’s Left Hand Drive traffic pack installed. The traffic only have a collision on the back right of them to make it easier pass then when blocked up.
– Irish Number Plates
– Disturbed Simulations seasonal growth plan
– Relight Installed
– Custom Sounds
– Custom NPC’s
– Custom Mission Vehicles
– Collectibles
– Road Network built in Blender
– All hedges have collisions
– The Hedges can be removed with a chainsaw/mulcher. Walk side to side at the hedge until you see the green ring appear to cut the hedge. Best to use a mulcher as this will remove the hidden tree stump at the same time, sometimes this stump can bug out and leave a hidden collision behind.
– Removable Walls, Fences etc. (Check your help menu for what button to press at the object to remove)
– Productions and sell points
– Precision farming ready with realistic soil map
– Most things only work once the land has been bought. Animals, silos etc.
Due to the amount of pre-placed animal husbandries on the map, the „More Animal Husbandries Possible (64)” mod is
required to make all husbandries functional and enable additional husbandries to be placed down.
Due to the amount of removable hedges on the map (These hedges are seen as trees by the game to be able to be removed), the map has exceeded the maximum tree limit for the game. To place / plant additional trees you will need to install the MoreTrees mod.
To remove the pre-placed barbed wire fences and other fence types painted in using construction mode in multiplayer you need to be in Farm ID #1 as this is the only farm that can own these fences by default.
Farmland 176 in the middle of Field 190 is deliberately made very expensive to purchase. This small farmland is present to enable the starting farm land be sold without first needing to sell all the pre-placed placeable fences.
Note: If you do purchase farmland 176, you wont be able to sell it without first selling the pre-placed placeable fences.
The parked cars on the map can be removed by going to the shop and just inside the shop building on the right as you enter the shop building, there is a trigger and in your help menu you will be prompted to press a button to „Hide Parked Cars”
Note: This will only take effect once you reload the game as the cars get spawned into position when the game loads up.
Included with the map is a tire that you can purchase from the pallets menu in the shop and use to decorate your silage pit after covering.
There are four versions of the map included. These allow you to select whether you want to use the Relight mod lighting system pre-installed or the standard lighting system and whether or not you want to play with Multifruit.
You will see four versions listed when starting your savegame, select the one you would prefer to use and create your savegame as normal.
If you are running the MaizePlus mod, we have modified some of the xml’s to better suit BallySpring. Mainly to allow Milk be fed to the calves and additional crops be stored in bunker silos. To install, you will need to copy the
xml files from the maizePlus folder within the „FS22_ballySpring.zip” file and paste it into the „FS22_MaizePlus.zip” file xml folder, overwriting the existing files.
If you are running the Real GPS mod, we have included a custom PDA image with the field numbers etc. to work with this mod. Take the files from the „realGPS” folder within the „FS22_ballySpring.zip” file and paste them into your
„Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_RealGPSMod/BallySpring xxx” folder. Depending on what version of the map you have selected the xxx portion of the file path referenced will be different.
If you play with the Mud System mod and want mud to pre-spawn in all the gateways and dirt piles at the edges of some of the fields,
install our Mud System For BallySpring mod to activate the pre-prepared mud and dirt info layers from within the map folder.
For an explanation of number plate format for those not from Ireland, checkout the description of our number plates prefab pack here.
Credits: Reference the Contributors tags. If there is anyone we forgot to mention, apologies 🙂
This is the PC version of the map, if you play on Console, checkout the Crossplay version here.
More Animal Hu bandrie Po ible (64)
Meadow Fence Pack
elfmade Cow hed
elfmade Pig ty
lurry Buying tation
awmill Pack
latted Cow hed
Pig Tail Polytape Electric Fence
Expandable Pa ture